Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Alex on TV

Today I read my friend Alex' blog. She wrote about me again and that makes me happy she talked about the Home Rules I have to memorize. I keep asking my Mom when Alex is coming back for a visit. Alex told me June, which is next month. Alex will be on TV May 30th. She will be on ABC Family Channel the movie is called Romy and Michele: In the Beginning. I get to watch ABC Family so I will be able to watch the whole movie, I will even TiVo it. When I know what time it will be on I will let you all know.

Today was my second time at Tae Kwondo. Master Kim said I was doing a good job. I always have to say "yes Sir" or "no Sir" that is good manners. I have to also practice these manners at home and say "yes" not "yeah". "Yeah" is not good manners.

Tonight I have been playing with my little sister. When I was practicing Tae Kwondo at home she tried to do it. Now she is in the laundry basket and I am calling it her little boat. I road around the block tonight on my bike and my Mom pushed my sister in her stroller. Now it is time for us both to go upstairs. She will watch her Baby Einstein video and I will watch TV.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see all your Tae Kwondo moves!!

Master Kim sounds like a pretty smart guy!


Anonymous said...

Cole, I know that you will follow all the rules that you are learning for you are a very big boy! Did you get anything special in Sunday School on Sunday?

I'm glad that you are wearing your helmet when you ride your bicycle around the block. You are a lot smarter that many people who don't use good protection when they ride their cycles!

And you are learning so much about ships. I have to bring over the picture of the big ship that Great Grandma and Grandpa took to Germany on their honeymoon in 1937. Do you know how many years ago that was? I bet mom can teach you how to subtract.

Love, Grandma Liz