Thursday, May 19, 2005

Spiders and the library

Today in school we learned about spiders. I learned that tarantulas are nice but some of them are poisonous. Tarantulas do not spin webs, some spiders go in underground holes.

I also had Tae Kwondo again today. I go three times a week. Today I got to spar at the end of class with a boy who is a black belt. It was no contact which means we just do the kick movements but not hit them. At the end of every class we have to say our home rules. I don't know mine by heart yet but I am practicing. I remember them when I see the sheet but I can't remember when my sheet is at home and I am in class. I am working on memorizing them every night.

Right now when I am telling my Mom what to write I am drawing pictures of ships. My Grandma said she is going to show me a picture of the ship my Great Grandparents went on for their honeymoon. When I find out what ship it was maybe I can research it.

I am going to the library tomorrow after school. I have to return my books and get some new ones. I get new ones and return old ones and get new ones and return old ones, it is like a pattern.

That's it for tonight more about ships this weekend.

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