Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Alex's Show

Last night I went to see Alex's show with my Mom and my Grandma.

I got my haircut and a new suit for the show, because I think you should look nice for the theater and for your friends. (My friend Amy says that is because I am a renaissance man, I don't know what that means, but Mom says she is right.) My friend Alex thought my suit was blue but it was black with a small strip. My Grandma drove us to the theater and she got lost, but we still got there on time.

Mom told me it was kind of a circus and Alex was also going to sing. When the show started guys came down on ropes right behind me and everyone was kind of running around on stage doing silly things. Alex kept trying to start the show but all the circus people kept interrupting her.

There was a crazy Karate guy, but I don't think that was real karate it was not like my Tae Kwon Do. He jumped through real knifes and set something on fire and jump through them again. There was a girl in blue who was an acrobat. She was very bendy. She worked with a guy who lifted her and threw her in the air.

In between all the circus acts Alex would sing a song and sometimes when she was singing they would perform. Alex sang a cool song with a guy who did beat box and Russ played the piano.

After the show I got to meet Mitchell, he was the funniest guy in the show and a good dancer and he did some circus tricks also. Mitchell says he reads my blog, Hi Mitchell! You were good last night!

Mitchell introduced me to the jugglers and I got their autographs and I got autographs of some of the other people too. I also got to meet Julie she was a worker in the show but really she does circus stuff too. She gave me a shirt, Alex told me she owns the circus in real life. It was really big on me so I used it for a night shirt.

After the show Alex came out and talked to me for awhile and then we went home. Everyone should go see the show Alex is the best!